Biochar 2 lb – 100% Organic Fertilizer
What Is American Biochar?
It is a 100% organic fertilizer that is composed of a special blend of organic carbon, worm castings, mycorrhizae and organic fibers that help retain water.
Mycorrhizae live in the micro pores of the Biochar and when applied to the ground they make a symbiotic connection with the roots of plants facilitating their growth. Mycorrhizae play an important role in soil biology by providing plant roots with nutrients such as nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and more giving better performance of the available resources. American Biochar is the best solution for sustainable agriculture and has better properties than regular Biochar, Terra Preta, compost or any other organic fertilizer.
A Garden Is A Revolution
Growing organically produces healthier fruits and vegetables while also improving a piece of the world. Every one pound of American Biochar removes one pound of CO2 from the atmosphere. The addition of our 100% sustainable organic fertilizer in your soil has many ecological and agricultural benefits:
– Less use of water and synthetic fertilizers
– Reduction of pollutants in water and crops
– Fertile soil that produces abundant and healthier harvests
– Rich in nutrients and essential microorganisms that lasts a lifetime.
Synthetic Fertilizers Are Polluting The Planet
Synthetic fertilizers are leaching into the water supply effecting the quality of life of the ecosystem. The high levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide) create heat waves that cause forest fires, melting of the polar caps and other extreme weather events. What if we captured CO2 from the air to create a renewable organic fertilizer? Welcome to the new era towards a more sustainable planet.
The Dangers Of Global Warming
We are now at the stage where we must start removing CO2 from the atmosphere before it reaches the tipping point and global warming becomes irreversible. Carbon capture is the process of long-term capture and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to prevent global warming. We build innovative technologies to capture CO2 and give it a new life as an organic fertilizer.
Carbon Capture With Nature
Over the years many complex and energy intensive carbon capture solutions have been proposed but none solve the problem as they are also expensive to scale up. Thankfully for us plants and trees have been capturing carbon since the beginning of life on earth via photosynthesis. Plants absorb the CO2 from the air, they keep the carbon molecule to continue growing and release oxygen that we breathe. A perfect design of nature that teaches us to live in harmony with it. With concentrated solar thermal energy we extract Biochar from plants. End to end our eco friendly process is carbon negative and permanently sequesters greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
The Origins Of Biochar
A mysterious Amazonian civilization entrusts mankind the secret to long lasting soil fertility. Terra Preta (which means ‘Black Earth’ in Portuguese) refers to a type of black soil with high carbon content found in the Amazon. It is the result of the indigenous activities hundreds of years ago that inhabited the region of the Amazons before the arrival of the Europeans. The rediscovery of this lost organic fertilizer is fascinating. A crop planted in Terra Preta produces higher yields than one planted in agricultural land. The term Biochar was coined in recent years, but the origins are old.
Be Healthy And Live Green
We are fed by the food industry that pays no attention to our health. High-tech tomatoes. GMO’s. Synthetic fertilizers. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow food with poisons? Having an organic garden is a way to grow nutritious food without harming the environment. Grow organic, eat healthy and let food be your medicine.
Join The Revolution!
The Earth will be healed by difference makers like you whose creativity, passion and courage will build a green brighter future. Get started today by growing your own piece of paradise ❤️🌱
2 pounds of American Biochar with growing instructions
98 in stock
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