When The Trees Disappear We Disappear

Deforestation causes loss of biodiversity which reduces the capacity of ecosystems to recover CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Forests are the lungs of the earth, purifying the air and giving strength to every living being.

The Dangers Of Global Warming And Greenhouse Gases

Human activity have significantly increased CO2 in the atmosphere due to the use of gasoline cars along with the manufacturing of cement, plastics and synthetic fertilizers. The rise in CO2 levels correlates to the rise in global temperatures, forest fires, powerful hurricanes and other extreme natural disasters.

Global Warming Is Melting Ice Lakes

Not only is climate change heating the atmosphere it is also melting ice lakes. The bad thing is that underneath these ice lakes are large deposits of methane gases. The release of methane gases into the atmosphere will accelerate climate change even faster. The video below shows the release and explosive combustion of methane gas contained under ice lakes. 

20 Years To Stop Global Warming

Science clearly indicates that an increase in global temperature of 4° C above pre industrial levels can change the face of the earth. NASA studies suggest that we have approximately 20 years to stop global warming. We are now at the stage where we must start removing CO2 from the atmosphere before it reaches the tipping point and becomes irreversible.

How To Stop Global Warming?

Many scientific studies have proven that carbon capture is the most viable way to stop global warming. Carbon capture is the process of long term capture and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to prevent climate change. The development of sustainable technologies such as solar panels, electric vehicles or hydraulic energy is wonderful, however they do not directly reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere that causes global warming.

Carbon Capture With Nature

Over the years many complex and energy intensive carbon capture solutions have been proposed but none solve the problem as they are also expensive to scale up. Thankfully for us plants and trees have been capturing carbon since the beginning of life on earth via photosynthesis. Plants absorb the CO2 from the air, they keep the carbon molecule to continue growing then release oxygen so we can breathe. A perfect design of nature that teaches us to live in harmony with it. 

Working With Nature To Stop Global Warming

We are building innovative carbon capture technology. The carbon that we capture is used in all our 100% organic fertilizer formulations where it will be permanently sequestered in the soil for thousands of years. End to end we are developing a highly sustainable process that when fully scaled will remove huge amounts of CO2 at a very low cost. 

Sustainable Agriculture To Fight Against Climate Change 

Putting organic carbon in the soil is a stable way to sequester it for thousands of years while reducing the growth of atmospheric greenhouse gases. It is a great technique for extraordinary soil health that has been forgotten over the years that was created by Amazonian civilizations several centuries ago. The presence of organic carbon in soil increases fertility, improves water quality, provides a cozy home for beneficial microbes and raises agricultural productivity. 

This technique is advocated by prominent scientists such as James Hansen, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis, for mitigation of global warming by greenhouse gas remediation. Modest additions of biochar to soil reduces nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions by up to 80% and eliminates methane emissions, which are both more potent greenhouse gases than CO2.

The Clock Is Ticking

We are seeing the birth of a new perspective where ecology and industry are two sides of the same coin. The challenge of the twenty-first century is to raise people everywhere to a good standard of living while preserving the environment. The earth will be healed by difference makers like you whose creativity, passion and courage will build a green sustainable future.

Join The Revolution!

Without you we’re nothing and we need all the help we can get to further remove more CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the environment. Check out our 100% organic gardening store and get something for you or your loved ones. Happy Gardening!

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Los Angeles, CA 90046


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